The term "plus-sized" is erroneous and stupid and no one should use it.


This shouldn't take too long.

The term "plus-sized" is erroneous and stupid, and no one should use it.

So... why? Why's it stupid? Well... because it doesn't mean anything. And by that, I should clarify... it DOES mean something-- it means "fat."

Unfortunately in America these days (and it's been this way for quite some time), people are afraid of things called "facts." Some facts about body fat percentage and obesity for the overall American population include that obesity and body fat percentage has been on the rise slowly for decades, due to a largely sedentary work life, a sedentary lifestyle at home, general laziness when it comes to exercise, and a poor diet intake full of too much sodium, too much sugar, too many nutrient-sparse carbohydrates, too many processed foods, and too few fresh fruits and vegetables. These are facts. They are not in dispute. The reasons why they're true may be in dispute, but they are facts. This isn't complicated. At all.

Here are various sources of information regarding obesity and body fat, including from the National Institutes of Health.

This is pretty simple: As the overall pool of unhealthily fat people (some of whom are my own friends and family members, sadly) increases so dramatically, it was always naturally going to pervade into mass media/cultural aspects of life, as there are fewer and fewer normal, healthy-weight people... being fat has indeed become "normal." And since it's normal, doesn't that make it acceptable?

Well... no. See, the thing about science is that it's true whether we believe it is or not. Our joints, liver, pancreas, heart, and muscles are not going to care about how we FEEL about our weight; they're simply going to be harmed by our excess fat. Your knees don't care if you think "body positivity" is a thing-- they're simply going to be groaning under the extra 8% body fact percentage and excess forty pounds you're carrying around that you shouldn't be. Your heart doesn't care if you think that being fat is okay or something-- your arteries are still going to clog. Your kidneys and pancreas aren't going to care if you think working out and exercising hard is for losers-- they're just going to keep struggling to filter out all the excess sugar you eat as you head toward type II diabetes.

^ This girl here at least has the guts to admit that she's fat. I don't really know why she's smiling and laughing about it since it's adversely affecting her health and sexual attractiveness, but thankfully she has the guts to not use the idiotic term "plus-sized." Calling a rose by any other name does not make it something else. A rose is a rose, and fat is fat.

The reason people say 'plus-sized' rather than fat is because people don't actually want to be fat. If they did, they would choose it on purpose, or decline to use terms such as plus-sized, 'thick,' 'full-figured,' en masse.

But... people don't do that do they? We hide from information that we don't want. We hide from reality. We are fallible creatures. People don't want to be fat; many of us are simply too lazy to do something about it, such as hard exercise, more sleep, and healthier nutrition choices.

^ This chick isn't a "plus-sized model." She's fat. Many people ask (stupidly) "Well, well why SHOULDN'T we have fat models?! !?1?! ?!?!?!" Uh, because that's dumb. Do you see fat athletes running the 100m dash? Do you see fat astronauts? Do you see fat soldiers? Are most actors or actresses fat? Why are these professions of people, in animalistic ways that are perfectly normal and natural due to evolutionary biology and physical fitness naturally being aesthetic and attractive, objects of admiration? Um... because being slim and fit *is what most people want, even if they're fat themselves.*

People say we should accept fat singers such as Meghan Trainor for her body... huh, weird. Why are those same people the ones who say that only slim, fit MALE singers are attractive? Where are the "plus-sized" MALE models? Could it be that they don't exist because... males aren't deluding themselves that being fat is okay or something we should allegedly desire? Disclaimer: I'm not advocating for fat male models-- that's dumb. I'm saying that it's an idiotic marketing double standard that won't work on men, therefore it doesn't exist.

No one is suggesting that people who are thin (or even other people who are fat) should be meanspirited or malicious to people who are fat. That won't work, and people should generally be nice to each other in life, obviously. Love the sinner; hate the sin. But hey guess what? Sticking our collective heads in the sand by using terms that skirt around uncomfortable truths doesn't fucking help either.

People. Guys AND girls. Wake up. The term "plus-sized" was created as a marketing campaign from clothing companies and other industries in order to sell you shit by telling you that there's nothing wrong with us (fat), even if there is. Stop letting them lie to us, and stop lying to yourself.

So stop using it. OR, continue to use it; it's a free country. You'll just sound really, really dumb when you do.

~ Thaaaaanks. Hugs and kisses.

The term "plus-sized" is erroneous and stupid and no one should use it.
3 Opinion