Am I too ugly to ever get a girlfriend?

Well, I'm 17 years old. I have never had a girlfriend, have never kissed a girl, none of that stuff. A lot of kids at school tell me that I'm going to die alone and I'm never going to have a girlfriend because I'm too ugly. They often call me the ugliest kid in school, and they pick on me often for this. I have believed this for two years, believed that I'm too hideously ugly to ever get a girlfriend.

I can't even look at myself in the mirror without cringing, how can I expect someone to actually date me?

I don't like to go out in public anymore because I can feel people staring at me, and I don't like people to see my face if I have to be physically there with them.

But I just want to ask some people who have no reason to lie to me, before I seal my fate as a person who will die alone.

I have two pictures:


Am I too ugly to ever get a girlfriend?
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