Girls- How do you respond to your guy finding other women attractive?

This isn't a problem I'm looking to solve, I'm just wondering if other girls would react the same as me.

So a few weeks ago my boyfriend came to stay over (I'm at my parent's house over summer) and my friend and her boyfriend came round to hang out.

This girl is a childhood friend and she's great, really down to earth, but she's also VERY hot. Great tan, great hair, but she does put a bit of effort into looking good (whereas I brush my hair, shower... that's it). Anyway, later in bed I asked my boyfriend if he thought she was prettier than me. I mean, it's a matter of taste, she's quite dark and I'm blond and pale etc. He said yes she was prettier.

This didn't really bother me because I know without even asking him that that's all he thinks of her, and there are many reasons that he's with me and no one else. I was just wondering whether any girls would react the same as me, or would it be a big deal to them?

Bear in mind even my MUM has pretty much said this girl is beautiful (more than me!).
Girls- How do you respond to your guy finding other women attractive?
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