Is Iskra Lawrence obese? And isn't she giving bad example to fat girls?

Her height is 5'8'' (173cm) and her weight is 194 lbs (88kg). That puts her BMI at 29.4 which is a little bit lower than obese (30 and more is obese).
Here's what she looks like. She photoshops her body so that it looks more toned so I tried to find unphotoshopped ones:
Is Iskra Lawrence obese? And isn't she giving bad example to fat girls?
Is Iskra Lawrence obese? And isn't she giving bad example to fat girls?

Is Iskra Lawrence obese? And isn't she giving bad example to fat girls?
What do you think is her body fat percentage?

Also, I find it strange that she is against unrealistic standards for women but she herself is the epitome of unrealistic. There are no women out their who look so good for being nearly obese. I think this gives fat girls a bad example because they will never look so good at this weight.
Just overweight
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Is Iskra Lawrence obese? And isn't she giving bad example to fat girls?
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