Are stretch marks on guys a turn off?


I recently noticed some women asking if guys find stretch marks on women to be ugly, so I was wondering about the opinions on the subject of male stretch marks.
Kinda hard to see, but they're around the shoulders and neck
Kinda hard to see, but they're around the shoulders and neck
I have a lot of stretch marks mostly on my neck, torso and some on my legs. They look really weird to me, like my skin was torn apart--kinda like the ground after an earthquake :/
Hard to see, but try zooming in. They're the white streaks around most of my upper back and rear shoulders
Hard to see, but try zooming in. They're the white streaks around most of my upper back and rear shoulders
I don't know, gimme results!
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Turn on your brightness to make the marks more distinguishable :)
Are stretch marks on guys a turn off?
17 Opinion