Should I re bleach my hair or just dye it Dark brown before putting the red dye in?

I am wondering if I should try and rebleach my very outgrown roots or if I should just dye it all dark brown and then put manic panic infra red over top of it? I am putting the red hair dye on regardless. I don’t have money to get it professionally done at the moment but I am traveling for a wedding next week and would like to do something with my hair. I already have the bleach and developer and I have my natural hair color dark brown dye.
here’s what it currently looks like:
Should I re bleach my hair or just dye it Dark brown before putting the red dye in?
Should I re bleach my hair or just dye it Dark brown before putting the red dye in?
What it looks like on dark brown hair:
Should I re bleach my hair or just dye it Dark brown before putting the red dye in?
Should I re bleach my hair or just dye it Dark brown before putting the red dye in?
On bleached hair :
Should I re bleach my hair or just dye it Dark brown before putting the red dye in?
Should I re bleach my hair or just dye it Dark brown before putting the red dye in?
Re bleach it and then dye it red
Dye it brown and then red
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+1 y
I have L’Oréal blue bleach powder at my house and salon care v40 developer at my house and purple shampoo. My hair is usually pretty orange and the last time I bleached it was in February of this year and the orange didn’t go away until summer when I went swimming a lot. Can’t afford to go to a salon
Should I re bleach my hair or just dye it Dark brown before putting the red dye in?
6 Opinion