When you're holding eye contact across a room, guys?

with a blank expression and you don't look away, what are you waiting for? Would a smile suffice?

A guy and I do this fairly often and I never know how to respond. He's not smiling, so I don't. But I imagine it's a bit odd to smile and stare at someone so I don't know if he's waiting for me to smile at him first. Would you make eyes at a girl until she stares back and hold it for nothing? Would you hold eye contact forever across a room with a girl you're NOT attracted to? I find it weird that he doesn't break eye contact unless I do and I've been told that's the action of the confident guys who think they can have whatever they set their eyes upon.

Would love any insight into the male mind that you can offer.
When you're holding eye contact across a room, guys?
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