How wide is your Beauty/Looks Variation, the potential range between your worst-looking face and best-looking?

Your Looks/Beauty Variation is the difference on a 1 to 10 scale between your worst possible looking (not withstanding accidents, diseases, or disfigurements), and best possible looking, within the same day and level of health.

As in, how much better looking are you with grooming, haircuts, makeup, etc, versus you with the flu and sickly and hideous looking? Your "range of attractiveness."

Like Mila Kunis has one of the widest ranges in looks I've ever seen on a human being, going from a 2.5 or 3 at her worst, to a 7.5 to 8 with proper makeup. On "Seinfeld," they called this a "Two-Face." But that only applies with a wide Beauty Variance.

Some people have a very low range, and can only look maybe half a point to a point more attractive, essentially rending makeup or weight loss immune to how bad (or good) they look.

The lowest women have ever called me is a 2, but most women will call me a 4 (if they're white or any other race) and the highest will usually be a 6 (if they're black girls, only), although my ex partner said I was a 9 in looks, and this was early on, before we became serious. I dunno; you tell me, but I personally believe I'm a 4.

So my range would only be two. I can only "upgrade" from a 4/10 to a 6/10 with proper haircut, weight loss, healthier skin, etc.
Mila Kunis; a 3/10 one day and an 8/10 the next day.
Mila Kunis; a 3/10 one day and an 8/10 the next day.
Mila Kunis 2
Mila Kunis 2
Mila Kunis 3
Mila Kunis 3
This is me.
This is me.
Drawings are the best youll get; not doxing myself.
Drawings are the best you'll get; not doxing myself.
This should be enough to judge yours truly.
This should be enough to judge yours truly.
How wide is your Beauty/Looks Variation, the potential range between your worst-looking face and best-looking?
6 Opinion