How common is a size 40 for jeans for men?

So I bought some true religions that were in very good condition at a thrift store, all the threads and sewing is in place, it's clean and the brand is intact, and it looks like a new pair of pants except it had a stain, of some kind of paint, i was able to fully remove the stain so now it looks like brand new, thing is that it's a size 40 in men's size, if I wore this I can carry groceries in these mfs, I bought them to flip them, thing is how common is this size?

Do people this size struggle finding this size at stores so would they search online, cause I'm planning on selling it online, I feel like if I sold it for 40 dollars it's still a steal for them cause they are almost and if not almost they are in perfect condition, what's your opinion?
How common is a size 40 for jeans for men?
How common is a size 40 for jeans for men?
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