Which dress should I wear for the Queen's jubilee 🇬🇧👑?

My street our having a street party on Saturday. I recently had a meeting with the rest of the ladies in the street and they seemed all really nice and sweet.

It's my boyfriends families street really but I moved in with him in October. We our the youngest family in the street by 20 years or so. They've all known my boyfriend and his stister since they were very young as they were the only children in the street so they've seen them both grow up.

It's my first Street party ever because were I'm from people keep themselves to themselves. They are all very close neighbours and all talk to each other.

I want them to have a really good impression of me. For some people in the street it will be the first time meeting me.
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Which dress should I wear for the Queen's jubilee 🇬🇧👑?
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