In order to be a hot male I must have an unnatural muscle body?


As an older user I can tell you right now that you can be 100% healthy by eating right and doing some running or doing work that keeps you active.

So why is it that ONLY musclebound males that excessively over eat and excessively lift heavy weights is considered healthy and attractive by women?

I feel like women's obsessed with musclebound men is just like a 14 year old boys obsession with massive boobs in Japanese cartoon porn. The difference is boys understand mega massive big boobs is unnatural while women think having bulky muscles is natural.

Lastly, Not every guy wants big muscles just like how not every woman wants big boobs. So the fact that all women want big muscles on men is disturbing and childish. You literally want a guy that excessively over eats unnaturally and lifts excessive weights every day for 5-10 years.

In order to be a hot male I must have an unnatural muscle body?
4 Opinion