What should be my goal weight?

i gained so much weight these last two years, went up over 10kgs 😭😭 now i'm 73.5kgs (161lbs) for 1m73 (barely 5'8), which puts me at a bmi of 24.5.. 0.5 points more and i'm in the overweight category... (by the way a healthy bmi is 18.5 to 24.9..)

the question though is how much should i lose, like to be at my prettiest to most people? like what should be my gw out of these?

65 kgs/143lbs (bmi 21, higher end though)
60kgs/132lbs (bmi 20)
55kgs/121lbs (bmi 18.5)
50kgs/110lbs (bmi 16, higher end. by the way anything from 16-18.5 is a bit underweight but still healthy underweight, most skinny girls and models are in this range)
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What should be my goal weight?
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