Guys-- What it means if she never, ever texts first.


This shouldn't take too long.

Boys. Fellas. Guys.

If she does not text you first, she is not interested in you and is just being friendly.

Now, is that a generalization? Yes. Are we talking about literally. each. and. every. single. female. on. the. planet. with this generalization? No. But for the overwhelming majority of girls, especially the ones who are objectively attractive, if she is not ever taking the time to text you first, and YOU are always the one who is texting her and she is just responding? Then she is just being friendly. Period. She is not that into you.

Guys-- What it means if she never, ever texts first.

Girls want to be chased by guys, but texting can be one exception to this rule-- girls WANT to text guys first that they are truly hot for and truly interested in, because they mostly can't help themselves and want to talk to him and want attention from him. Then they get all kerfuffled if the guy doesn't respond within .0001 seconds, and post dumb questions on GaG about "what does it meeeeeannnn??!/!!?!?!" but we are not talking about that right here; we are talking about YOU having the hots for HER, even if she's currently just a friend, and if you for any moment are wondering whether she feels it back in the same way, again: For the overwhelming majority of females, the answer is pretty simply, is SHE ever texting you first? Or are you texting first, when you guys text, and she's just responding?

If it's the second thing... she's not interested. At least not interested in the ways you want her to be interested. You're just stoking her ego.

Sorry man, whoever you are out there. I know it sucks, because I'm sure she's cool, but please recognize this, and also don't cling to the tiny infinitesimal possibility that she is one of the exceptions to this rule since the probability is that she is not. Don't waste your time. And continuing to text her just makes you look desperate, which is never a good look. Try to find someone else. Good luck out there.

Guys-- What it means if she never, ever texts first.

~ Thanks for reading. Hugs and kisses.

Guys-- What it means if she never, ever texts first.
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