Why do girls put guys in the friend zone?

It's kind of a complex question. Why do girls put guys in the friend zone? If those are the types of guys us girls are supposed to be dating aka the good guys (which are usually the ones that get friend zoned) then why do we do it? I also want to know then if you are dating a good guy that you are serious with then (I know most girls don't see it this way) why do we still hold on to our friend zone guys? Its sad because friend zone guys will stick around and some girls never give them a chance ever and some girls just use them. So guys why do you stick around? Is it because we like hanging out with them and spending time with them but in a friend way and don't want to lose that friendship? In my opinion I friend zone some guys because I feel we are better as friends and if we try to date I don't want to end up losing any sort of relationship weather dating or friend that we ever had. Then again I notice some guys once they start dating a girl they get jealous of their friend zone guys (or vise versa) even though in a woman's mind we look at it much differently than a guy does. They look at it as friend zone = like them/wants to be more than friends. So then let me ask this... is it ok to have guy friends? They say most guys only want one thing yet some can control their urges better than others so then why are those guys getting crap for wanting to be friends with a female. I'm in a relationship but I have guy friends or I should say acquaintances because I never really get to hangout because I have a boyfriend (and don't have time between college and my daughter) plus I think in some ways I see it half wrong and half ok (as long as it's not alone but group hangout is ok or is it not ok?). Does every guy that becomes friends with a girl just want a benefits relationship or do some of them truly just want to be friends? How come also girls that are friends with gay guys is more ok than a girl with straight guy friends? I'm just confused on this whole subject. Someone please shed some light. Thanks
Why do girls put guys in the friend zone?
12 Opinion