Holding hands-what it meant?

Would you hold hands with a girl you had no feelings for. In my opinion there's two types of holding hands. I consider your fingers intertwined being romantic but I want you guys opinions. We were just sitting there watching a movie when without a word he held my hand (its wasn't even a scary movie in case that matters) he never said a word but when are hands would "slip" and we would just be loosely holding hands he would adjust his hand so we had a tight grip again and randomly he would just squeeze my hand so I squeezed back. We were the only ones awake so there was plenty of time for him to explain or say something about it but he never did & still hasn't. This isn't the only times its happened this makes about the third time but the only time he's ever held both hands and played with my fingers and stuff. Do you think he likes me? Or is that something you'd do with a friend or someone in your family (cousin etc.)? & should I ask him about it?
+1 y
Okay so thanks to everyone who answered.

So me and him continued to have the weird hand holding thing for a while until he kissed me, then he said he liked me, screwed me over- dated a skank blah blah blah but now

me and him are officially together and have been for a while :)

Holding hands-what it meant?
3 Opinion