How to beat competition for my crush?

Long story short, been speaking to this girl for about 2 months. I like her, I've felt at times she likes me just through little things she does and says. I feel I've played it a bit too cool though. I mean, I once gave her a hug and I've invited her out one or two times - as a social group thing - but she pulled out. I even offered to pay for her ticket for a gig she wanted to go to with me, but then she realized she had no money. I talk to her whenever I can in person but I've only commented on her Facebook once, and only texted her regarding social events.

Now, last week she added this guy from College she never spoke to previously. She posted on his wall, and they've been having long conversations with little flirty/banter-ish comments thrown in. He's always commenting on her posts. They spoke a lot at College last week, and when I was trying to talk to her he just couldn't shut up! It's like he's getting in my way.

Any ideas how to win back her attention? I'm not looking for "just ask her out!" or "just tell her how you feel!" answers. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. I just want to get her onside again before it's too late.

How to beat competition for my crush?
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