Is it possible to be friends with someone you used to sext with?


My friend (34M) and I (30F) talk everyday all day about mundane things, however it wasn’t always like this. It started off as a normal friendship, progressed to flirting and then sexting until I confessed my feelings, which weren’t reciprocated. He’s very closed off when it comes to feelings, so I was never really sure about that, but then again I don’t know if I’m just wishful thinking. We didn’t talk for maybe a month, but then started talking again and the flirting became less and less until it subsided completely.
Today we have a normal friendship, sometimes he’ll throw a sexual comment as a joke, but doesn’t go further. If I don’t reach out he does, it’s hard to think this is just platonic even if we don’t do anything.
My feelings haven’t died completely, sometimes they go away, but sometimes they’re back with full force and I try to suppress them.

I guess what I’m trying to ask is: what actions can I take in order to find out how he really feels? Or has this ship sailed? It’s been driving me crazy since I can’t get him out of my mind, but we’re friends. Is it possible that this is just s friendship from his side?
Is it possible to be friends with someone you used to sext with?
7 Opinion