How to Flirt and Spot Flirtation?

I’m 26(m), single and have had very few relationships. One thing I’ve never understood is flirting, but recently a friend from years past told me that she had fallen for me and I never knew! Apparently I never realized she was flirting with me and just thought she was nice and acted like that around everybody. What’s worse is that she says I flirted with her! To that I said, “I’m sorry, what? I can guarantee I wasn’t because 6 years later I still don’t know how to flirt!”

Now that’s all good and fine and it seems like it was all for the better anyway. But o still don’t know how to flirt and I’ve come to understand recently that I’ve actually just been entirely oblivious to people who were interested on a number of occasions.

So can someone help me out? What are some things people do to flirt with someone they like? What are some nonsexual things I could do to flirt? Any feedback would be appreciated. Guys, help a bro out? Girls, have pity on this apparently really dense dude?
How to Flirt and Spot Flirtation?
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