Are these signs of potential budding interest or just friendly?


Me: 29F
Person in question: 28M

So there is a guy I occasionally volunteer with, we see each other maybe once a month or so, not very often but we get along well and are kinda friends/acquaintances. Lots of platonic joking around or small talk here and there.

Some most recent interactions were things like
remembering what I do for work and asking me how long I've known I wanted to work in that field.
we were also talking about Yellowstone and I mentioned I was going in a few months. He then asked questions like what do you wanna do there, where you staying, who you going with? (maybe trying to gauge if i'm going with a partner or something?)

I'm also into hobbyist photography and he asked me if anyone else in my family was "as passionate about photography as you" also commented "I looked into cameras one briefly then decided i'm not good enough to spend that much money" (subtle compliment maybe?)

then before he left for the day, we were saying typical "bye good to see ya have a good night" type things, and he offered a fist bump. This stood out because usually, it's just a wave goodbye, so this was the first time "breaking the touch barrier" kinda thing that felt like it could have maaybe been an "I don't know if i should friendly hug you goodbye or not so i'll just fist bump you" kinda thing. lol he never fist-bumps other people goodbye so it was a little left field.

he's a shy/introverted type guy so not necessarily someone that would be as outright as the average guy goes in terms of making interest more obvious. Guys what are your thoughts?

1 y
A few other interactions to add in:

In regards to going to Yellowstone he commented: "I can't wait to hear about it" (side note he's been there and loved it so its a mutual interest)

there was another time where I asked how his new job was going and he replied with a kinda chuckle "I appreciate you. you're always looking out for me" Which the conversation then got interrupted so it didn't go anywhere else.
Are these signs of potential budding interest or just friendly?
5 Opinion