Keep locking eyes with girl at the gym?


Hey everyone, so recently at a new gym I joined, i noticed a girl the other day looking at me so I looked back (I usually do not look away when this happens from either gender but I am straight.) So in turn, I do not look away and we just stare at each other for a good 7-9 seconds. On the same day/occasion this first happens, no matter where I am in the gym i scan the gym and when I see her she is either already looking at me or soon does when I am looking at her. Today I went to the gym again and she was not there for the first hour but while working out, I scan the gym again and immediately i catch her already just staring at me without me first looking at her and again we lock eyes. This time she left before me and at the exit door she stops as if she is doing something and looks at me again for a few seconds then leaves.. The reason why I am confused and can't read the signs is because she has no facial expression no smile grin or anything just a stare… this happened to me in the past with other girls and they do not smile or anything but i approach them and eventually through enough convo they tell me they thought I was cute.. but im a little older now and im not sure if it has changed.. plus im a little rusty because i have not been with a partner in a good while and im am currently getting back in shape from being pretty overweight so my confidence and forwardness is not what it used to be.

Keep locking eyes with girl at the gym?
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