How does it feel for you ultra hot girls to receive so much male attention?

I know a gorgeous girl; one of the top 5 I have seen in person. I might pursue her; might not; that isn't the point. I am not actively trying to get her.

My question is about what it feels like on a girl's perspective to be this attractive. I am a fairly popular guy but I couldn't imagine being as sought after or popular as this girl.

Is there never too much attention and do girls always love it? Is it an ego trip? Do these girls just expect every guy to think they are attractive?

She gets contacted all the time from guys. Emails, Facebook Messages, calls, etc. Guys from high school, college, both random guys and guys she knew a little better. Guys always come up to her at bars, etc.

Do girls love this? Or is it overwhelming?

I would think it would be tough because hypothetically, say there was a guy who was pursuing her. She might want to see him but because of the volume of calls and attention she gets along with work/family, she might not be able to respond for a bit or see him immediately. Guys I know eventually think a girl isn't interested if she is not responding often enough or keeps on saying she is "busy". I would think that ultra hot girls are always busy in a way. Like my friend seems to be more preocupied with seeing family and close girlfriends than spending time going out with guys.

Am I completely wrong here? Like regardless of how busy or how much attention a girl gets would she always make time to see guy she finds attractive? Or is it more initial attraction that needs to be developed?

There are different schools of thought I guess. Some people believe super hot girls are much more promiscuous just because they are contacted/approached so much that eventually they can't resist.

Also I guess many people believe that you need to be very persistent with an attractive woman (not overbearing) but just so she is reminded of your genuine interest. For example, if she always says stuff like "i am having dinner with my roommate tonight I want to see you soon" or I'm busy with an excuse. and responding, yet infrequently.

I am just curious about this. I know everyone has their insecurities and their are different beliefs out there.
How does it feel for you ultra hot girls to receive so much male attention?
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