There's never anything to eat in my house?

Okay so every single day whenever I get home from school I'm always hungry. Yes I eat lunch and breakfast but they only give you such a small portion. I get home it's it's the worse part of my dad because their is literally nothing I can eat on. Like there's no chips or even just some cookies. We don't even have lunch meat so I can't make a sandwiches. Sometimes we eat McDonald's twice a week because it's convenient or whenever my parents go to the grocery shopping, they literally only buy dinner. There's never any cereal for me to eat whenever I get up to go to school or at least like a pop tart or something light like that I can have because it's too expensive for my parents. It's so annoying because I'm really hungry and it's not fair that my parents have to struggle like that. Ever since they took my sister to college, it's been hard to have what we need like seriously. I don't even have a new pair of shoes for school, I barely eat twice a day, or I eat whatever we had for lunch as dinner. Why did my parents let my sister go to that college if they new it was going to be expensive? I don't understand how they can do that to themselves. My sister is almost 22 and she always gets $200 dollars here and there. Me and my brother have literally no money because our parents used everything we've had which was my last paycheck and they borrowed even more money from my younger brother. It's not fair to me and my brother that she gets everything even if it's very expensive. The backpack I got for school my dad didn't even buy, my aunt bought it for me but is it wrong for me to be angry with my sister?
There's never anything to eat in my house?
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