Newsflash: Women are bigots, hypocrites, and sexist as well!

Newsflash: Women are bigots, hypocrites, and sexist as well.

All too often I've encountered the crazy feminist who believes all men are pigs and the women who fail to realize this are sexist themselves. These types of women act as though the term sexist can only be applied to men and while they're ironically fighting "against" sexism they're very much keeping it alive.

Never in my life have I ever experience sexism, never has any of my friends or family. Yet there are the few psychos that act as though sexism and gender inequality is running rampant through the streets and I have to say that is a load of garbage. Here in America men and women are equal, there's no such thing as a gender pay gap and if anything women have the upper hand in nearly everything. Any incidents of sexism or inequality are in isolated cases and are no where near the reality.

myTake here isn't about disgussing those issues, it is to make a point. A woman isn't sexist or hates her own gender because she chooses to live a more traditional life. A woman isn't sexist because she has differing values from modern day thinking. A woman isn't sexist or stuck in the past for enjoying courtship and wanting to submit to her husband. If a woman wants to live a traditional life, be a housewife, save herself for marriage, or anything else you keep fighting against, does she not reserve that right to do so? Just because something is old doesn't mean it's wrong, and just because something is new doesn't mean it's right.

If men and women think someone is a slut for having a lot of sex then she certainly is. That is literally the definition of the word slut: A woman who has many casual sexual partners. If you have many casual sexual partners you are indeed a slut, now whether or not you choose to let that affect you is entirely up to you, but it doesn't change the reality of that being what you are.

To criticize a woman with values, a woman with morals, a woman who wants to live traditionally only makes you a bigot, a hypocrite, and sexist yourself. Everything you claim to be against. Is it not a woman's right to submit to her husband? Is it not a woman's right to take care of her family? Because the beauty of submissiveness is that it's entirely by choice. It is something you choose to do, and you enjoy doing. Feminism has already reached it's goal. There is equality, and women now have the option to choose if traditionalism is the way she wishes to live her life.

Feminism isn't about getting rid of the old ways, it was about giving women choices. Guess what? We have the choice to live traditonally and that doesn't make us stuck in the past and it doesn't mean we're somebody's slave. Slaves didn't have a choice, we do, so if you don't like it you didn't want women's rights at all. You just wanted women to think like you. Stop getting mad at people for having differing values, they don't need to accept you. If you're a slut you're a slut and they reserve the right to look at you that way. But if you're a feminist, criticizing a woman for her life choices whether they line up with yours or not makes you a hypocrite and a liar.

Newsflash: Women are bigots, hypocrites, and sexist as well!
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