We're Not All Gold Diggers!

Being a gold digger isn't in every woman's genetic code, believe it or not. Nevertheless, it's very obvious when a woman is a gold digger, such as having a sudden interest in you when you say you earn a lot of money, expecting gifts from you constantly, dating men decades older than herself and many simply admit to being gold diggers. There are even websites for them to thrive with "sugar daddies" aka. consenting rich men.
If you're a guy and you worry about being caught out by a gold digger, don't worry. You'll get a hunch that she's only interested in your money and that's when you cancel your next date. However, don't tar all of us women as gold diggers! It seems to be a very common occurence here.

I loathe being branded as a gold digger just because I'm a female. I've dated unemployed men who still lived with their parents or were only earning Β£2 an hour, yet through my support and encouragement, they've gone on to achieve more, which is what all girlfriends should do and vice versa. I never expected anything from them material wise - I just wanted to be loved and respected in a harmonious relationship.
When I go on dates, I pay for myself and insist that I do. I like earning my own money, knowing I have money in my bank that's entirely mine and entirely earned. Being independent and hard working has always been what I value in myself and other people. I find men are also more attracted to you when you have ambition, a career and are happy to do it alone, whilst paying for your own things and responsibilities. Then they know that you're not in search of a financial crutch and that helping you in any way is optional.

If I find out a guy earns a lot of money, it's a great bonus as in, if we ever moved in together, money wouldn't be much of an issue for us. That's it. I don't think about what I'd spend his money on or what kind of gifts I can get out of him.
I once went on a date with a guy who evidently earned good money because he drove an expensive, diesel guzzling, convertible sports car and he had a fancy job role. However, he turned up in very casual clothes which said to me he didn't really care about the date and he spent a lot of the time boasting about his acheivements, slowly making me feel inferior in mine. I never saw him again. I loved his car, because I love cars anyway and the date was good but he obviously wasn't for me... no matter how much money he had.
If the guy has loads of money but it was simply inherited, not worked for, I wouldn't find that endearing at all. Like I said before, I like someone who earns their money and appreciates hard work.

Whatever a man earns, if he works hard, has ambition, treats me right and we have a good connection, then that's a successful man to me and a man I could fall in love with.

We're Not All Gold Diggers!

We're Not All Gold Diggers!
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