Getting out of the cage🍂


Getting out of the cage🍂

I've noticed that is common to see people living in cages nowadays; we are scared of flying. We are forgetting how to live. Sometimes we just survive and thats not the point.

I don't know what are your thoughts about death and what happens after, but I think we are all aware that we're gonna get there. We don't know how or when, we just know that life is short, too short to make it bad, too short to be unhappy, too short to be locked when you have wings.
I think happiness has a lot to do with our freedom, getting out the cage that is preventing us to live our life to the fullest.

You have the key to open it, is all up to you and your attitude towards it, being in there might be really comfortable for you, but I can assure you that is not as good as flying.

Wanna open it?

1. Try NEW things

Getting out of the cage🍂

Don't get stuck in routine, thats pretty dangerous for you, dare to do crazy things. We all have different perceptions on what crazy is, try what sounds like it for YOU. Are you scared? Cool! Thats how you need to feel like!

Get off your comfort zone every time you have the chance to do so, the moment you start doing this, is the moment you'll start living.

2. Passion!

Oh man, this is so important!

Do EVERYTHING with a passionate heart.

If you listen to music, dont do it with this face:😐 NOOO! Just dont! Take a moment to appreciate every instrument, music is great, is a way of expression, an art! Feel it! Thats the way to go.

When you wake up, take a moment to look through the window, look at the sky, appreciate it.

Sometimes is good to do one thing at a time in order to get most of it, like walking, feel every step, let the wind blow in your face . I like to walk outdoors with no music, no nothing to get most of the experience, it's pretty cool.

Even small things can become huge when you decide to experience them with passion.

3. Get OUT

The earth is full of amazing places, take your time to go out there and appreciate NATURAL beauty every now and then, I think is really good for you. The sounds you listen out there, the colours.. Damn! Is so nice, not even the tallest buildings will ever compare to what nature has to offer, it can surprise you any time.

Being outdoors is a good way to get out of your routine, dont be scared of getting your hands dirty.😛

4. CHANGE, but do it for YOURSELF

Changes are always good, I think staying the same is lame.

This is pretty common on birthdays cards: "Dont ever change xxx" lol thats not something you wanna wish to someone. 😛

There's ALWAYS room for improvement, no exceptions! But, make those changes for yourself, to be comfortable in your own skin, to love yourself.

Physical appearance is a big thing in society, there's so much pressure and a lot of people want to change to look attractive for others, which is not the point, is not good to depend on others opinions, thats just going to increase your insecurities. If you want to change, do it for YOURSELF.

You will always find people that will think "you are the best looking person evaaa" and those that think 💩 looks better than you. That's why you dont give a shit👌 Your opinion is what counts. Once you feel good, no one is gonna have the power to bring you down. Same for the inside, try to be a better person EVERY DAY.

Confidence is super important and is the key for success.

5. Dream BIG

You appreciate the small things, but you dream big❤️🌏

Getting out of the cage🍂

Your dreams need to be scary, they need to make u feel uneasy. Basically, you should have this face every time you think about it: 😳

All the amazing man made things we see are product of someone's dream.

You always get the "be realistic" thing and Im not sure until what point is useful to think like that.. I mean.. The big things we see are not product of "realistic" dreams. Im sure that thinking about having a way of travelling by air was a crazy idea the year planes were created, know what I'm saying?

Dare to dream.

6. Is not just about wishing, is about doing!

As I said on the last point, having goals is really important but they won't make sense if you dont work to get where u wanna get, no one is going to work for you, you want something, you work for it. For instance, You wanna be fit, alright, then go to the gym, work hard to reach your goals or even more! you dont have money for a membership? Then go outside, run, use bottles filled with sand or rocks as hand weights, look for alternatives.

If you sit down and think about what you don't have, you are not gonna get anywhere, results don't fall from the sky. The secret is not to look at the problem, is to look at the alternatives you have to solve it.

All things that are humanly possible can be done, it might take a lot of EFFORT, but it is worth it and in the end, the journey is what counts

9. The easy way is NOT a good idea!

Humans tend to like the easy way, but no! Be a rebel, go for the hard one😎 you are capable of so many things. The feeling of looking back and see all the things you've done to get wherever u are, promises to be amazing! It encourages you to take more awesome life changing journeys.

7. Focus on the bright side!

A huge problem we have as humans is focusing on the negative things, sometimes we have wonderful days, but if something negative happens, no matter how small it is, we tend to focus on that.

I have a suggestion, by the end of every day, try to think about 5 GOOD things that happened to u, write them down if you need to, at first it might be hard, but make that your goal for the day, you'll get there, once you do, increase your number :)

DO NOT complain, pleaseeee!!! This is so unhealthy for you, be optimistic, make this another goal. Try to reduce the amount of times you complain, whenever u wanna do it, stop for a second, think about it and don't say it, it takes time because we are so used to it and we don't realise how bad it is, but do yourself a favour and work on that.

This is very common: "It's too cold", "It's too hot". No, you are just too picky!

8. Past stays in the past

Sometimes we get stuck in the past, we tend to think a lot about the what ifs... Well, guess what? Its done, no point on looking back there, but u can make things differently next time. You learn from the past to build a better future.

Getting out of the cage🍂

10. Meet people

Good company is always nice :) Something amazing about us is that every single person is different. Be open and meet people from different backgrounds, different ideas, different everything! How do you do it? By going out, trying new things, going to new places, thats what you need. You can't expect to meet new people if u are locked at your house watching TV all day.

11. Don't focus on others

Life is a book, write your own.

Stop caring about what others do, dont wish to be like someone else or have someone else's life. Your life has the potential to be awesome, it all starts in your head. Instead of using your energy on being jealous of someone else's book, use it to make yours a best seller😜

12. Express yourself!

Really important people! You have cool ideas, express them. There are so many ways of expression, art is a wondeful thing, stuff like dancing, singing, playing instruments, drawing, writing, etc.. Are great ways to do it!

Getting out of the cage🍂

Speak your mind, let other people know what you think, dont be scared of saying what you want to, just go for it! we all have different ideas :)

I know there's people that believe that the "be yourself" thing is stupid, well I think doing the opposite is stupid. How can u be comfortable pretending someone you are not? That being said, its important to be yourself at ALL TIMES, don't change for others.

Those are a few things I find quite useful to fly :)

Thanks for reading😁 hope u liked it!


Getting out of the cage🍂
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