Girls are something else these days.. Can anyone else agree?

Girls are something else these days.. Can anyone else agree?

There's many types of girls nowadays. You have the ones who start drama to get attention, you have the ones who used to be caring and now they can careless about anything, the ones are who are claimed to be "too nice" and wouldn't hurt a fly. Or the ones who have a smile on their face at school but cry themselves to sleep at home. Or the popular girls who are popular for all the wrong reasons. The list is endless. But you know what the one thing that they all have in common?

They're all insecure about something. That's why they are the way they are. And us girls these days have the nerve to point out the little insecurities that other girls have knowing good and well that they have insecurities too. Or they say rude things about them to make them feel better about themselves. Little do they know it doesn't make you any better than that person you're talking about. To me it's funny when a girl points out someone else's flaws knowing that they have that same exact problem. The next time you wanna point out someone else's flaws, think about how it would be if it was about you. The Lord said you reap what you sow. Yeah girls will talk about you, say stuff behind your back, and more. It's not right, but tell me is it better to just let them say what they want and be the bigger person because you know you're queen? Or be petty and disrespectful like they were towards you? Oh I almost forgot this..

We also compare ourselves nowadays too. You see a girl flirting with a boy you're interested, the first thought? They instantly start comparing themselves and eventually make a fool of themselves. Even just in general, you see a pretty girl you start saying all the wrong things about yourself or about the girl you think is pretty and you end up hating yourself or her. We compare money,clothes, basically the way we all look to that person we compare ourselves too. Sometimes Once one person points out their flaws, the person you once knew as what they were is gone. they do their very best to be liked by the people they were put down by. Ends up being a waste of time. If a person doesn't have what we have we say the most downgrading things they are yet to hear about them. Behind their backs, or even have the audacity to say it to their face.

If you ever get something like that which you will at some point, you walk away like the queen you are and show her what you're made of. Words don't say much but your actions speak louder and get by more often. You know you're beautiful. Show the world. We need more girls with confidence so it can inspire other girls to show who they are no matter what another person has to say about them. We owe it all to the media cuz that's what it's been teaching us to do. If I were you I wouldn't even pay attention to the media because they're messing everyone up left and right if you really think about it. We all think we're beautiful based on the number of likes we get or how many boys are chasing after us or how much money we have. Now it doesn't matter. I'm here to change that because it's about time someone has to talk about this.I've had enough because if someone doesn't say it now just imagine what the world will come to.

My message? Don't waste your time hating on another girl because of how she looks or what she has to say about you. Don't waste your time to dress to impress for that boy who's not good for you. Don't waste your time trying to be like everyone else so you can be liked by them. Don't waste your time putting down other girls. Don't waste yours or my time trying to argue. Don't waste your time pointing out another girl's flaws. You don't know what she's going through. Lastly, Don't waste your time walking away from this like it doesn't matter. This matters and we need to change. Starting now. Get out there and be you. Even start building up other girls self esteem. You see a pretty girl tell her she's pretty. Any compliment will make any girls day. Even do it to the mean girls who say bad stuff about you. Stand up rise up do what you gotta do to show the world what's up and how it's gonna be from now on. Have a good day beautiful.


Girls are something else these days.. Can anyone else agree?
1 Opinion