7 Reasons Why I Will Never Understand Some Women

(Disclaimer: obviously generalizations ahead)

1. Girls who brag about being bitchy or crazy

I'm talking about girls who think it's cute to tell guys that they are bitchy or crazy as if it makes them look badass.

7 Reasons why I will never understand some women

Also, girls who think that cussing makes them somehow bitchy when it doesn't. Even "nice girls" cuss on occasion. It just makes girls who are trying too hard to be bitchy look even more fake and try hard, and the true bitches are the ones who are laughing at you.

7 Reasons Why I Will Never Understand Some Women

It's funny how some girls who try too hard to act bitchy do not realize that it comes off as desperate.

7 Reasons Why I Will Never Understand Some Women

2. Putting down another girl's body type or height to make herself feel better

Also girls who assume or act like they know what men want in a women. When some girls say things like "most men prefer tall girls" or say "men don't like Victoria Secret models." How do some women know what all men like?

7 Reasons Why I Will Never Understand Some Women

3. Hitting a guy or a girl, and getting surprised when you get hit back

I'm pretty sure this one speaks for itself.

7 Reasons Why I Will Never Understand Some Women

4. Girls who date an asshole then date another one after they get hurt

I get it appearance matters, and men do this too when they go for the bitchy girl or the girl that hurts them over and over again, but if you have been hurt before and you see the red flags, get out!

7 Reasons Why I Will Never Understand Some Women

There are attractive men who will treat you right. I know some guys will appear nice but it amazes me how some women will follow the same pattern time after time and expect a different result.

7 Reasons Why I Will Never Understand Some Women

I'm pretty positive that is the definition of insanity.

5. Girls who feel the need to announce to the world or me that they are on their period

What do you think? I'm a robot or something?

7 Reasons Why I Will Never Understand Some Women

6. Girls who fight over men

Ok I can understand if the girl tries hit you, then by all means swing because it's self defense

7 Reasons Why I Will Never Understand Some Women

If a guy you are in a relationship with does you wrong, then fighting is not going to make it stop.

7 Reasons Why I Will Never Understand Some Women

He was the one who chose to cheat or whatever offense he did to upset the girl but no man who cheats or hurts you is worth fighting over.

7 Reasons Why I Will Never Understand Some Women

However, at the same time that does not make her a saint either because some women deliberately pursue taken men. No matter the situation, they are both wrong.

7. The women who expect guys to initiate everything
7 Reasons Why I Will Never Understand Some Women

I don't understand why some girls complain about guys they like not approaching them yet they make no effort to initiate. How about approaching the guy.

7 Reasons Why I Will Never Understand Some Women

No one is asking women to propose to them, just do not expect a guy to do everything. It's ok to call him first or text him first.

7 Reasons Why I Will Never Understand Some Women
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