Games Females Play

Games Females Play

I’m sure some guys have already either had these experiences or are aware of them, but it wouldn’t hurt to inform others. I don’t always agree with everything guys do or say, but at the end of the day it’s still my gender and still helpful and important to let the younger ones and inexperienced know what goes on because there are many guys who are not bad and have good intentions, and need to be aware of females’ own shit.

I don’t need to explain that I’m not saying women are bad or “all women,” but they’re still not perfect people like everyone else, and their gender does still have their own parallels in wrong, sly, or deceitful behavior. So don’t pay it any mind when some of the females - and there will probably even be a few guys too - start commenting only after skimming through the Take, trying to use the usual “Guys play games too” argument, or any other kind of comeback they think is either snarky, clever, or important.

Sending signals that they’re into you, but then acting like they’re not…

Women have a tendency to think men are into them a lot more than they really are, and they like to tell a guy that he “got the wrong message” because of something she did or how she behaves with him. This is certainly true at times, but other times she really is behaving in a way with you that says she’s interested, and although females insist that it’s the guy getting the wrong idea, most guys are a lot smarter than women take us for. We can usually figure out by behavior that a female is into us more than just being friendly or fun, and often times the longer we let it go on the better we can see it.

Games Females Play
Females can play a yank-you-around game where they either want to be interested in you from a distance, or are sending you direct signals that later on they will claim you misunderstood because you could see it, and let her know it, and now she’s either embarrassed about it or in denial because she thinks it’s gonna go to your head. Whether or not it does, we still caught you, and that’s the fact of it. Other times females will act disinterested or indifferent towards you in front of other people, but later on when you’re alone again she’s getting comfortable.

Women can disrespect men’s relationships…

Which is very true. They say women are attracted to men who are married or are in a relationship and I’ve seen that myself with some women, and to me it’s not really any different than cheating. Some women will even go beyond borders and actually try to mess with a guy who is seeing someone or try to steal him from his woman. In their minds a guy in a relationship who looks like he’s got his shit together and looks like he makes his woman happy is a very desirable man they think they could get great sex from, or they think they deserve to be with him.

Games Females Play
For all women’s talk of loyalty and faithfulness, they themselves are not really that devout, and can even try to break someone else's faithfulness in that person’s own relationship, even though they’ll hate it and feel disrespected if some guy is hitting on her while she’s seeing someone.

Using ‘nice guys’...

You have a lot of females nowadays who don’t like decent guys and love badass/streetsy types, as I recently wrote a Take about. Females don’t like ‘nice guys’ or ones they perceive as soft and pure, yet many will use - or try to use - these kinds of guys when it’s convenient for them. If they’re feeling oh so heartbroken or lonely, or if they want to make another guy feel jealous, they’ll just try to run to some ‘nice guy’ for the moment as a shoulder to cry on, someone to confide in, or as an easy date to look like they’re bouncing back in front of their friends or exes. They’ll want your number now and will text you once or twice to see if you’ll get interested just to have you on backup, and then when they’re over the game or back with their ex, they no longer care about you.

Games Females Play

Trying to talk about guys she likes in front of you with her girlfriend to make you jealous…

Another really popular one. If there’s a girl you like or you’re just kind of friends, and you’re talking or hanging out with her and some other associations, and maybe the topic is about dating or being into the opposite sex, sometimes chicks will start trying to talk about a guy she’s into or the types of guys she likes to make you feel jealous, especially if she’s really enthusiastic about it. And especially if she starts talking over or around you to another girl in the group, because she’s trying to exclude you at that moment so you’ll be put in a position of listening while she’s talking.

Games Females Play

She wants to send you a message without directly saying that you either need to be the kind of guy I like, or you’re not the kind of guy I like, and she wants to see what your reception will be. Females have a habit of wanting to make it known that they’re not into this or that kind of guy to show their choosiness, and it usually just comes off as overdone and annoyingly unattractive.

Trying to pretend they’re not watching you…

Another big thing females do is watching a guy all the time and then looking away when you notice, and pretending they don’t like you in that way. I’ve gotten this a lot. When you catch them staring they will look away fast and sometimes try to put on a snobby, smirkish face that’s supposed to say, “Nobody’s into you,” or as if you're the one watching them. And they don’t realize that acting this way really just gives them away, because most people who are watching someone in genuine non-attraction interest look away casually.

Games Females Play

Females always have a million excuses for why they’re not really looking at a guy because he’s attractive or she’s interested - and sometimes those reasons really are valid - but they usually deny it because in their minds they perceive it as physical weakness to like the way a guy looks or be turned on by him and notice it. In their minds they shouldn’t be caught staring because it’s men who stare and women want to seem like they’re above being “visual.” And they’re not.

Women really do play and cheat no less than men…

Many of us have read all the articles and seen all the reports and stories for ‘Why Women Cheat,’ that try to justify them by saying it’s the husband’s/boyfriend’s fault, something he’s doing all wrong, something about him that’s disinteresting, some way he is that can drive her away, blah blah blah. Whether the guy really is bad in bed or has some disagreeable ways about him or not is not a reason to cheat, and people who write those articles and people who believe them just don’t want to think that women cheat on men for very base, physical reasons that are the case much more often than the consciencious BS reasons that people want to justify them for.

Games Females Play

The plain truth is that most reasons women cheat DO have to do with sex. It’s either because they think they aren’t getting enough, getting it right, or they still want sex with OTHER men, and I actually think it’s about wanting sex with other men more than any other reason, especially in these times where women are having sex with lots of people just like men do. That’s just the bottom line. Quite a lot of women are out there who are either married or have boyfriends but are still playing games with other men and even sleeping with them. And some of these women do not even make it a secret and will let the guy know she’s already seeing someone but is inviting this other guy into her anyway. Why? Because women are still not controlling their base impulses any more than men who are doing the same thing, and that’s just the bare facts of it.

Games Females Play

Also, some women do believe their gender cheats as much as men or more and are actually proud of it and even want to brag. Another truth about women is that many deny any kind of wrongdoing that is similar to male actions if it makes them look bad - “No, guys definitely cheat more because they can’t control their dick,” but will turn around and then actually admit it’s true or brag about it only if it can make women look malevolently intelligent or slick - “Oh women definitely cheat as much as men, if not more. Because women are craftier about it.”

Are men doing the same things? Yes. But why is it worse for women? Because they're the ones who like to claim superior sexual morality and discipline, and are not living up to it.

Putting guys in the “friendzone” is rooted in dishonesty...

“Friendzoning” - the dumb millenial term for something that’s really not even new and has existed for a long time - can be sneaky and dishonest. It’s really just a chick’s way of trying to keep options open for herself or assuage her guilt about going with someone else. To be fair, there are certainly some honest reasons for why a woman just wants to be friends instead, like times where she just isn’t ready or looking for a relationship but is okay with being friends. But other times, being put in the “friendzone” is a dirty kind of way of her trying to decide how she wants to keep you around, or because now she feels awkward about wanting to be with someone else and thinks that staying friends with you will make you feel better than her just cutting you out altogether. She’s not doing you a favor, she’s doing herself a favor.

Games Females Play

Granted, there are those cases where it’s the guy who suggests staying friends because he thinks he can some day change her mind and she’ll pick him instead, but females are also being sneaky and dishonest about staying friends. And I know some females talk about a guy putting them in the friendzone too but most of what I hear is guys getting friendzoned.

Women who play with you and are in a relationship but don’t want you to know…

This is similar to women cheating but this case is with those who don't want you to know they’re seeing somebody. Mostly in my experience this has been married women, but also a few who just have a boyfriend. Sometimes these women like watching you and making it a point to interact with you often out of an interest they think they’re being sly about.

Games Females Play

Yet they forget they’re wearing a ring, and you see it. What I like to do when it happens with me is really throw them a curveball in the discussion and mention something presumptuous like, “Does your husband like eating there too?” or “You’re husband has to work long hours too?” And then that’s when their faces will suddenly change into something that seems to say they’ve been caught and coming clean, and they’ll say something like, “No, he doesn’t really care for that,” or “He does work quite a lot, yes.”

Even now I’m waiting for just the right moment to spring this strategy on one of my managers who is also playing with me. She has a ring but she is always verrrrry friendly with me a little more than I notice she is with my other co-workers, and she has even made statements before that can be construed as making a pass at me. And then if I get playful back with her in front of other people she tries to act disinterested or as if I’m being annoying. It’s very interesting to see.

Be aware...

A lot of us guys are a lot smarter than women take us for, but some of the dudes in their teens and the ones who haven’t had a lot of experience in interacting with the opposite sex need to be aware.

Games Females Play

Females think guys are playing games with them because they play them with guys and don't want to feel bad or guilty about it. Some guys do play games but it I don't think it's nearly to the degree that females do. The truth is that most men are going to be real with you. When we have something to say, we're gonna say it. When we're ready to make a move, we do it. We don't need to use signals, strategy, or an army of girlfriends flanking us to find out about this or that with a guy.

Women also have a tendency to think they're clever when they are actually more predictable than they realize. Games are about manipulation for them, which is what they see as clever when plenty of guys are actually smart enough to read what's going on. What women think of as clever and intelligent is really rooted in covertness and deceit. And why would you need to be covert and deceitful? Because you either fear being found out, just don't have courage, or know you're doing something wrong.

It's a lot simpler than it looks.


Games Females Play
Post Opinion