Women Think They Should Approach Men? I Don't Believe That

Women Think They Should Approach Men? I Don't Believe That

For a lot of years I’ve always been against women making the first move on a guy, or at least I never really favored it. But now I don’t really care one way or another or make a big deal of it in my life anymore, though I personally always have and always will make the first move because that’s just how I am. I like to approach and be playful and flirty and get numbers. If you wait for a woman to do it, you’ll never get your shot. However, if a woman did approach me and suggest doing something or letting me know she’s interested I don’t think it would really bother me anymore, but I certainly am not going to sit around and expect that.

But hearing women nowadays advocating or talking about how they can or should make the first move? I don’t believe that, and I don’t think most of them really believe in it either.

Women approaching men...

Although they want to make it seem like they’re becoming more common or empowered to do it, most of the women you hear talking about how women should be allowed or should make the move period have really never even done it, and never will. They just say it for the sake of “equality.”

Some did it once, and others have done it just to be able to say that they as a woman made the first move, and some had success with it while others really didn’t. And then others will say it doesn’t really matter that either way is fine, but deep down still prefer a man to approach. These are the fine lines in the situation. Ultimately most of these women advocating it have and never will approach a guy first.

Women Think They Should Approach Men? I Don't Believe That

And honestly? I sometimes question why a woman would. It often seems to me that these kinds aren’t exactly trying to seem empowered or confident, but because maybe no guys are giving them any play, or the guys they do like aren’t making the move, so now they’re getting frustrated and ready to go out and do it themselves under the guise of “women can do it too.” I will however say that if an older woman is approaching it probably is more sincere because they generally do have more confidence, know what they want, and would be more qualified.

But it’s really not that simple for women…

Some women try to say they don’t approach men first because guys would like that too much, an egotistic presumption. The biggest reason women don’t approach men is because they fear looking stupid or being rejected, and probably more than men. Even the ones who say they don’t approach because they prefer the guy to do it have still said if they did they’d be afraid of getting turned down. And they’re judging the guys who are shy or scared to make the move, but are overthinking their own chances as women a lot more than those guys are.

Women Think They Should Approach Men? I Don't Believe That

Let me just be completely real here: women really do have bigger egos when it comes to sex, attraction, and relationships with men. They believe that men, sex, or a relationship is or will always be available to them so they never need to make any first moves, but subconsciously they fear they’ll have more to lose if they did: their pride. Because it’s difficult for them as women to ever believe - or accept - that a guy wouldn’t be into them, especially if she was one who’s very attractive. The bigger the ego, the harder it hurts when things don’t go as expected, and the more puzzling it is.


Although women think men take rejection harder, I don’t believe this is really true, and I think they often try to put it more on men to cover their own insecurities about how they’ve reacted or would react if a guy rejected them. Have there been plenty of guys who got angry and bitter at women for it or thought of them as a bitch? Certainly. But the vast majority of men already know that being turned down is always a possibility, and have even been taught to expect it. And when it happens, most of us deal with the disappointment for awhile but always go back to approaching the next woman, and the next. That’s just how it is.

Women Think They Should Approach Men? I Don't Believe That

Women however, do tend to feel the burn in their own very harsh way because they believe that their existence is enough to bring them success and have been taught that it works this way. They are pretty much the only ones you will ever hear saying a guy must be “intimidated” by her for why he just wasn’t into her, as a self-righteous way of saying ‘the problem is him not me.’

While men can be bitter or stuck in self-pity for being rejected, women more often have a dangerously arrogant mindset that when a guy isn’t interested it has to be because of him or his own insecurity, not because she just lacked appeal or did something that turned him off, or because she actually needs to improve herself to be more attractive in character or personality.

And although these “incel” guys are popular nowadays, the vast majority of people who are brooding and worrying about not finding anybody, being single forever, or not being attractive enough are still women. Not men.

Should women approach men?...

Women Think They Should Approach Men? I Don't Believe That

People can do whatever they wanna do, and I’m not really opposed to women making the first move anymore but I’m also not a guy who’s excitedly into that or waiting for it to happen either. If a woman approaches, that’s fine, but in reality it isn’t this ‘becoming more common’ thing going on like the media or female bloggers and vloggers are trying to convince us of. Most women are still not approaching, and that isn’t exactly wrong either.


Women Think They Should Approach Men? I Don't Believe That
Post Opinion