Signs of a Mean Girl


Just like the movie, there are real life Regina George who have nothing better to do but tear down other females just because… They don’t exist only in the high school cafeteria or playgrounds, they are everywhere. There is no age limit for these female bullies and sometimes they are the wolf in sheep’s clothing. They know how to manipulate you and make you question yourself.

Behind every mean girl was once a child who was either deprived of love/attention or was given too much of it. She either has everything or was given nothing. So growing up she takes it out on others to make herself feel good and look good.

Signs of a Mean Girl

1. She has a squad of followers

She is good in making friends with the same feathers as her or prey on the ones who are easy to shake down and take them in her wing. She knows how to form a squad to go against the world and on each other. She feels Alpha knowing she can pull the strings on her puppets who will do anything to please her. Her minions will do what it takes to make Queen Bee happy; even if means hurting others.

Signs of a Mean Girl

2. Green with envy

Mean girls always have their radar on other females who they think is the next best thing after them and try to eliminate the threat. To them there is no competition as they are the only one winning. Even if another female is succeeding, a mean girl will always have that green in her eyes and secretly wishing it was hers.

Signs of a Mean Girl

3. Master manipulator

At work, nothing you say/do matters to her and she will even try to bring you down to block you from getting noticed/promoted. She will down play your hard work and will even take credit for your success just to get ahead. She will sabotage your success because it is only for her to take, no one else’s.

Signs of a Mean Girl

4. The boy is hers

When a good looking man is in the same scene as you and her, she will try to block his view from seeing you. She’d even make it look like she’s with him or make you look bad in his eyes. That’s how mean girls operate. She will fight you for a man’s affection and attention. If she sees your winning, she will create malicious gossip to turn off the guy you like or break you up.

Signs of a Mean Girl

5. Drama Queen

Mean girls thrive on drama. No drama is boring. Social media has made it easier for these bullies to extend their wrath on the poor victims making their life a living hell.

Signs of a Mean Girl

6. She is all about the status

They cannot stand losing and if they do, beware. Better watch your back; they will get you back if you let them. Her reputation is all that matters and she is obsessed with what others think and say about her. She will do what it takes to take down her rival. No one else takes her place. Social status is everything to her.

Signs of a Mean Girl

7. She is shallow

She only befriends people of her status; appearance wise. She and her friends like to pick on girls with low self esteem and make them feel worse by poking fun at their looks.

Signs of a Mean Girl

8. She likes to exclude other girls

She likes to isolate other girls to make them feel left out. These happens at work too where some power hungry women make other women feel less important when they gather other women against them. At school, you are not allowed to sit with them unless they want you to.

Signs of a Mean Girl

9. She’s cunning and a serial bully

She knows how to distort the truth. Nobody’s opinion is right but hers. She can create a bad image of you to anyone who will listen and believe. She doesn’t care about the consequences of her actions even if it means your downfall – which is her success.

Signs of a Mean Girl

10. Power hungry

The more attention she gets, the more powerful she feels. She wants to be the one calling the shots. She undermines people’s opinions and rolls her eyes at others who they feel is below them. She gets angry easily and resorts to name calling and insulting people when they make mistakes.

Signs of a Mean Girl

What do you do with these mean girls? Fight them back by doing your best and succeeding in life and love. The more attention you give them, the more it feeds their ego. The best thing to do is ignore and keep doing you. Stick with loyal friends who are not plastic and mean. Talk with your close family and love ones and get as much support as you can.

Signs of a Mean Girl

Always remember this: “When people are trying to put you down, it only means one thing; you are already above them.”

Thanks for the time reading.

XO Pinay_Ako

Signs of a Mean Girl
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