It's A Woman's Responsibility Not To Get Pregnant If She Isn't Willing To Assume The Consequences


It's been said that men and women bear equal responsibility for avoiding unwanted pregnancies. Maybe that's true in a moral and financial sense since the courts will force an unwilling father to bear the financial cost. But its much more of a problem for woman since they have both the risk of having to bear the financial burden themselves, the physical job and obligation of bearing the child and the primary (if not sole) duty of care-giving for the child for at least a couple of decades.

There are things that suck about being a man and things that suck about being a women. Unfortunately for women, they are the ones who have to worry most about getting pregnant since they have a lot more to sacrifice than men. Therefore it is up to them to prevent it if they don't want to bear the consequences.

But abortion is not a moral option.

Abortion is murder no matter how it is rationalized. A child in the womb is not part of the mother. Proof? Every cell that belongs to the mother has the same DNA. The baby has different DNA from its mother and it has that DNA from the moment of conception and the creation of the first cell of its new life. DNA is what defines an individual, and the baby has different DNA from the moment of conception. The baby also has its own blood type which can be different from the mothers. The baby is not an appendage of the mother, it is a separate individual with its own separate identity.

A baby and its mother are two separate lives from the moment of conception. And once conceived, the baby has the same moral right to its human life that any other individual human has.

It's up to the woman to prevent pregnancy if she doesn't want to carry the baby until it is born. Once she becomes pregnant she is responsible for the life she conceived and morally obligated to protect the baby's life until she delivers it. If you are not willing to assume that most basic human moral obligation, don't get pregnant. It is YOUR responsibility to prevent it. You can't wish that reality away.

It's A Woman's Responsibility Not To Get Pregnant If She Isn't Willing To Assume The Consequences
It's A Woman's Responsibility Not To Get Pregnant If She Isn't Willing To Assume The Consequences
24 Opinion