The 3 Most Accurate Depictions of Female Nature According to MGTOW

Scarlet O' Hara
The 3 Most Accurate Depictions of Female Nature According to MGTOW

To some she is the heroin of the Pulitzer Prize Winning Novel "Gone With the Wind". She is a southern bell blessed with impeccable beauty. She begins the novel in love with an older man named Ashley. However, during the war, she is determined to transform that tragic loss of her family's wealth and turn it into something grand. She is a charmer. A manipulator. A woman that leads men on and always is just flirtatious enough to have options waiting in the wings. She is the ultimate "monkey brancher". An a list representation of "Hypergamous nature". An intelligent woman who knows how to use men to get what she wants. Still, in many respects she is a woman who is hard worker and entrepreneurial. But she can't get enough of her bad boy Rhett Butler...until he marries her, becomes a loving father...then she is bored again.

Anna Karenina

The 3 Most Accurate Depictions of Female Nature According to MGTOW

A daring and adventurous heart throb of a woman who marries a loving and wealthy man. Her husband is loyal an strong. He is consistent and void of drama. Her life with him is provided for and perfect. This is enough to bore her to death. Her fancy is tickled by a dashing young man. She acts on impulse and finds herself engaged in a passionate love affair with the young military officer. Soon they settle down together..but she is once again bored. Leading to a tragic conclusion.

Carrie Bradshaw

The 3 Most Accurate Depictions of Female Nature According to MGTOW

Yes, I of course have to mention Carrie Bradshaw from "Sex and the City". She is a monkey branching socialite who analyzes men with such judgmental clarity that no man is perfect enough for her. Always believing that the grass is greener with a new man that she can sleep with...she is on a question to fulfill her hypergamous nature. Clue in Mr. Big. Her main obsession. Oh yes, the aloof man who attitude is "anything goes". She is hooked. Then they get married. They live together. She throws a fit because..she is bored.

The 3 Most Accurate Depictions of Female Nature According to MGTOW
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