The contradiction of "Girl Power" and how it's making girls weak.


You can not open your mouth today without "Girl Power" being forced down your throat. We are being ideologically throat fucked by delusional apostles of girl power.

The contradiction of Girl Power and how its making girls weak.

Our daughters are part of a school system ran by feminist who push the "strong and independent" agenda which they falsely believe is helping girls. This is beyond false and actually doing the opposite for girls. Girls are becoming overwhelmed because they feel they can't meet the expectations they are told they can achieve.

We also see every form of media riddled with this crap, and every one of these sheep believe they are doing something good for girls & women. Society has reduced all requirements and expectations to try and convince girls that this is true, making it easier for girls to look good on paper. Graduating school because they are marked lighter and have endless quotas and assistance to help them "succeed".

But this is only allowing girls to get into situations where they are incapable of handling pressures and expectations of real world work.

Telling little girls they can do anything, (when in reality they actually can't) causes them to fail at more things and creates more anxiety and depression among girls. Like telling a fish it can breath on land if it "tries hard enough"... it will try and fail no matter how hard it tries.

The contradiction of Girl Power and how its making girls weak.

These delusions of grandeur is making girls miserable. Studies show female happiness has declined expediently over the last 50 years. The more "independent" they become the more miserable they are.

The contradiction of Girl Power and how its making girls weak.

Aside from the school system and media push to make girls think they are super human like all the Mary Sue characters they are pushing in the movies, we are also telling girls they are amazing simply for existing.

How does it benefit girls to never see actual struggle in female roles. To never be shown characters developing strength through turmoil, or to never see female failure? They have nothing to compare it to when they fail, the simple see characters who are always great simply for existing and can never fail. Adding to the feeling of failure when they aren't the same.

The contradiction of Girl Power and how its making girls weak.

We also need to stop constantly patting girls on the back and trying to stroke their egos while at the same time attacking anyone who tells them the truth. We are not making "strong and independent" females, we are simply allowing fragile weak minded females to strive and silence and attack anyone who tells them otherwise.

Convincing girls that lack of dignity equals "confidence" isn't doing them any favors in life.

A simple look back through the history of male female relations will easily show that we are not making things better, they are getting worse every year. Why is society so dead set against accepting that their childish little game plan is actually failing?

We need to STOP telling girls they can do anything, because they actually can't.

We need to STOP telling them that they are strong and independent... because they're NOT.

We need to STOP acting like telling girls the truth is an act of violence against them.

Real "empowerment" is telling them the truth, allowing them to fail, but giving them the mechanisms to become strong and independent.

And that folks, is my 2 cents.

The contradiction of "Girl Power" and how it's making girls weak.
2 Opinion