What it's really like to be a woman


We are raised in world where we are told to "calm down", because boys will be boys; but are blamed if we didn't see it coming, because men have urges.

Our bodies congratulate us for coming into womanhood by giving us body hair that society expects us to shave off along with the monthly shedding of our uterine lining with debilitating cramps. Then when it's all over out body gives us the celebratory gift of menopause, that will leave us with a life time of hot flashes, brittle bones, and vaginal dryness.

We get 9 months of pregnancy and 2 lactating breasts for a man's one orgasm, then have to push a baby out of a small hole, while most men still can't understand vaginal elasticity. All while trying to convince our doctors to let us make our own informed decisions about our own bodies

We are constantly told that we are too fat, too thin, too quiet, too loud. They want us to be smart, but not be dumb, but not smart enough to offend the men. We're still trying to convince people that no means no. Fighting for our own bodily autonomy and struggling to report own assaults since people would rather blame our cloths, instead of the men ripping them off.

Meanwhile the men are feeling used if they're not rewarded for buying drinks we didn't ask for, but still not concerned that we have to cover them.

What its really like to be a woman
What it's really like to be a woman
140 Opinion