A Few Things I Must Confess

A Few Things I Must Confess

This 'MyTake' is going to be different from most, it's going to be a confessional. Over the years I've made some really bad mistakes, did some really stupid things and, what's worse, from most of those mistakes I haven't really learnt a damn thing.

People in private messages here often say they really like me, that I have a winning personality and am this, that and everything else positive you can think of, but no, not really. I mean, I may seem that way on the surface, but I can be (and have been, countless times) a grumpy, mean, shallow and all-round rotten person.

I've said some pretty nasty things here in response to questions asked and comments made, have been intolerant of others when I didn't agree with them, have sworn like a drunken sailor (up to and including usage of the 'F-word'), have trolled, deceived, and sometimes even lied about certain things (like my age and location). I was caught a couple of times, but that didn't deter me, and I'm kind of shallow, self-centred and narcissistic. My profile picture, a picture of my ass, attracts hordes of thirsty, sex-starved males, and when they inevitably send me private messages, I only make things worse by deliberately teasing and sometimes even humiliating them.

Look, what you see online isn't real. It just isn't. That's not to say I have a fake account; I do not, I'm real, this is me, but anyone can promise the world and deliver zilch, zero, nought. Like me. What have I done really? Anything useful or constructive lately? Nope. I'm unemployed, unemployable, single and sad.

Don't become like me. Aim higher, be better. Don't fall into the trap of thinking you're a victim, do not do that ever.

Actually, this is the point at which I can make a clean break from the past. After all, now is as good a time as any moment in time, so I may as well, and my first act will be to change my profile photo to something more "wholesome". :)

Take care, lots of love <3 :*

A Few Things I Must Confess
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