Women don't want what they say they do


Well, nearly any guy who has had experience with women knows that many of the things that women say they want don't align with what they ACTUALLY want. An easy example is the nice guy/ bad boy issue, where women will rush to fk a bad boy, holding onto whatever they have long after it's becomes toxic, while ignoring all the "nice guys" who want to treat them well, and would actually faithfully commit to them.

They dont know what they want- or if they do, they lie
They don't know what they want- or if they do, they lie

Yet, there are a few things that I've recently learned about women, and I'll give you the situation that accompanied them.

1. Girls don't want you to be vulnerable. Girls will say that they want you to be open with them about your feelings, and be able to show vulnerability (even cry), but if you show weakness in front of your woman they WILL lose respect for you, and they WILL leave you- if you don't remedy it.

My recent ex, and several girls I've dated since used to constantly ask for me to be more open with them, to not be so stoic, strong, and "perfect (acting)." However, a couple years ago when I found myself in a humbling experience my ex pulled back- it was only with me bearing the pain in silence, and putting on a strong front that she forgot about my low-point. Since, I've dated several other girls, and I've occasionally shared parts of myself once we got close, in those late night sharing sessions. Some of it was how Iraq/ combat kinda messed me up, or how I've used education/ professional success to make up for insecurities from my childhood, and/or how much the recent breakup hurt me. In each of these cases girls who were formerly dropping their panties, became cold- enough to have the message made clear.

2. Girls don't want the truth. "Have you ever cheated? Is my body count too high? How would you rate me, out of 10? Are you looking for a relationship, or just a hookup?" For every one of these questions you would be an absolute fool to tell them the truth. If you've cheated, keep that to yourself- they will use this to distrust you (if they find out, lie, never drop the con). If her body count is high (and you're just trying to hit) don't tell her that- women hate to be judged less-than a perfect princess. Every girl believes they're a 10, or at least a 9, and if you tell them anything different then you're the A$$hole.

A girl in Detroit I was hooking up with regularly asked me why she wasn't having success on Tinder (i.e. the hot guys weren't matching with her, and the very few who did weren't pursuing her), despite the occasional hot guy (including myself) hooking up with them. I told her, "well, it's because you're a 6/10. You have a smoking body, but your face isn't pretty, and you don't wear makeup..." This was after trying to deliver the same info diplomatically, but finally just being blunt with her- she then blocked me on everything.

Another girl, who was a hot mess (fresh out of a break up, extremely high body count- over 50- and a self-righteous feminist), told me she just wanted to casually date/ hookup with me to get over/ get back at her ex. I agreed to this, finally telling her that I wouldn't actually date her either... guess what happened? "The vibe is off," then block.

3. Girls don't want any advice that is different from what they already want to do. If you're anything like me, you like to solve problems; however, if a girl tells you about a situation, tells you what she wants to do, and asks if she "should," you are an idiot if you suggest something different. Just like when women decide a guy is a "friend," once they get an idea, opinion, course of action in their head they DO NOT want to hear any suggestions against it. Do not take statements of "tell me what you think," as evidence that they want to hear what you think- they do not- they want you to reiterate what they have told you they want to do, and to sensibly (not simp level) reinforce that it's the best course of action.

Women don't want what they say they do
61 Opinion