Girls, How do girls show that they're mad at their crush about something?

There's someone who is seriously crushing on me. Twice today she does something that never happened when I'm around.

First she caught me flirting with her friend then i stopped. After five minutes she started to point out to guys and loudly saying that they're cute or handsome. Was she making me jealous? Because it worked.

Later that night, her friend was doing something and I just sit there and watch. The one crushing on me then commented that boys should help girls. I responded by saying that she isn't my girlfriend so why should I help with something she can do by herself. She walk behind me very swiftly and bumped me on the head (My back was almost against the wall yet she still walked there). Was she mad at my comment?

I really find those cute but I'm not sure if she was mad or just coincidences.

How would you show that you're mad at you're crush? Specially if you're not talking yet.
Girls, How do girls show that they're mad at their crush about something?
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