Is this a red alert friend zone if a girl sprayed her perfume on you?

So uh yeah, we had like a free period and trying to study for a math test. As soon as I got in the room I joked her how she missed her friend giving me the fix on the test. She had passed by us giving me a push on my back pack and I tried to grab her back. Anyways that got her to sit right infront of me, we were joking around about it, her female friend walked in and decided to sit next to us aswell. We pretty much talked for an 30 mins.

Anyways, it was regular conversation about stuff and asking about the math review. Hell the conversation turned from school to stuff she liked (Gossip Girl). Anyways there was constant banter between me and her and she was talking facing me full eye contact (She got pretty hazel eyes). I would make playful grabs at her hands and she would keep poking me back with her pen. Her friend was kinda on the side tryna do t work. She pulls out her perfume and sprays her perfume makes eye contact with me, sprays her friend and quickly tries to spray me gigling. She did this sometimes last year too which always puzzled me cause I didn't know her as well.

After we took the test, I was openling staring at her walking back to her seat and she saw me smiled and then rolled her eyes about the test. Then she snap chats me a picture of me when I wasn't looking. Then I snapped her a pic of herself and drew devil horns, waited for a reaction and then snapped her as an angel saying sorry. We went back and forth for a while and she would look back to wait for my reaction smiling.

So is this flirting? friendliness or friend zone? Keep in mind she acts a bit immature, not like a regular highschool girl cause she's a bit younger.
Is this a red alert friend zone if a girl sprayed her perfume on you?
1 Opinion