Once you truly like a person, you never really stop liking them, true or false?


A guy likes a girl for 5 months straight. He pursues her and is around her all the time and the two become good friends. He wants to be in a serious relationship with her. But she doesn't feel the same way.

Well, one day he decides to stop liking her. But that's the thing, how can he DECIDE that? She has done a few things to make him angry and discouraged, but they have gotten over it and he was always seriously attracted to her..up until that 5 month point.

But since when can you "just stop" liking someone? Don't the feelings remain, maybe buried, maybe denied to the point where he's convinced himself he really doesn't want her, but STILL there. Maybe it takes a certain event to resurface the feelings. Or maybe one night he does a lot of thinking and realizes he hasn't completely stopped liking her.

Is it possible to re-ignite the flames of the first 5 months?

I know I've never been able to JUST STOP liking someone. All the men of my past, still have a little, tiny flame in my heart! Can't be just me, right?
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Once you truly like a person, you never really stop liking them, true or false?
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