- +1 y
Fear, nearly always. They might know it won't go anywhere and be getting a bad enough vibe to not want to worry about injured pride. Safest option when you are physically weaker than the opponent is always avoidance, especially if you don't know them that well and have 'the vibe'. It doesn't how much men say they are the nice one (even if they are) it isn't worth being polite when you're unsure. It's better to be a little rude and alive than a polite dead/beaten girl
30 Reply
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- +1 y
The same reason men do it to us: they lost interest in you, or found someone else.
It's a cowardly way to "nicely" let you down instead of confronting you and saying they're no longer interested or moved on. It sucks but it happens to a lot of us.
What I do when someone ghosts me is delete and block all traces of them and move on like they didn't exist.30 Reply
- +1 y
Sometimes it's based on what the guy did. I've ghosted lots of guys for lying, being perverted, and a couple cheated. If there was no problem with the guy, then it's the women's reason for either not feeling good enough, not feeling comfortable, or chickening out. But for certain women, it's because the woman is a selfish and shameless jerk.
21 Reply- +1 y
ahh, well thanks for your response. I recently got ghosted and stood up so, I'm trying to feel better about myself
- +1 y
Because you are either trying to date the popular girls who are stuck up and finicky, or ones who have more date offers than free time. And to be honest, some ghost someone when they get a better offer because there are no emotions involved yet. You just got to ask the plain Janes who will be very happy to go out on a date with you I'm sure.
12 Reply- +1 y
I don't think she was really popular. She was athletic because she worked out.
- +1 y
Whatever the reason, you are choosing the wrong girls to ask out.
Did you actually go on a date with them?
Is talking with the awkward or sort of empty?
There are many reasons but if the times you've been around them they showed a lack of interest. Stared at their phone and showed little eye contact. It's more then likely they found 0 interest in pursuing the relationship further.
The world is a very fickle place dude. Move on to someone else. :/15 Reply- +1 y
No, i never actually dated her. We were supposed to go on our first date but that didn't happened at all. I was making her laugh, and sending her hints that I liked her. She did too, so that's why I asked her out.
- +1 y
She never did responded and I waited a week for an answer
- +1 y
Yup, that's what I'm doing right now.
There are two reason that could have an impact on that: (1) you weren't interesting, or (2) they found someone else more interesting.
If you don't keep a girls attention they will start looking elsewhere, and when you combine this with the fact that everyone is talking to multiple people she may have just gotten attention from someone she finds more appealing than you.11 Reply- +1 y
Yeah, you're probably right
What Girls & Guys Said
- +1 y
Because they have the power to and it's easy to avoid confrontation that way.
10 Reply 709 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. Because they don't have courage to just say they're not interested or changed their mind. I think it's a joke when I hear women talking about guys ghosting them and how bitter they are towards guys now, when the vast majority of ghosters are probably women.
10 Reply- +1 y
I wouldn't waste my time trying to figure out female fickleness. I think the problem here is “date”. I don’t think women respect a “date” anymore. They are mostly looking for some instant bliss and thrills and really ons-s on the spot are the way to go.
20 Reply - +1 y
I imagine it's mostly to avoid the awkward scene of turning some one down especially if the act all sad and needy. The "what did I do wrong" crowd probably gets it the worst. Remember, women (men too) are flakey but find a way to make time for whats most important so if you find yourself prioritized last it's not her it's you
10 Reply - +1 y
Why do we call some people pussies? The answer to that is the same answer to your question.
11 Reply- +1 y
- +1 y
She didn't want to be honest and tell you that she was never interested
She already has a boyfriend lol11 Reply- +1 y
It was probably the first one
- +1 y
Same reasons Guys Ghost Women or leave them hanging on a date. But nit All Women do this as Not All Guys do this. Stop with Generalizations!!!
21 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
Guys ghost too. I think I'm being ghosted now. It really does hurt... :-(
12 Reply- +1 y
Yeah, it hurts a lot 😣😣
- +1 y
Because they thought you were ugly, dumb, boring, or broke. Or a combination of those.
31 Reply- +1 y
shit fam you right
- +1 y
Maybe she changed her mind and didn’t know how to tell you. I don’t ghost. I’d simply tell the guy via text that I’m no longer interested.
11 Reply - +1 y
I've never done this. I can't imagine why someone would. 😭
10 Reply - +1 y
Maybe she wasn't interested or forgot so what move around find someone else your young there's nothing but opportunity in the world
20 Reply I get ghosted more by guys than me doing ghosting. I don't ghost until the other person isn't interested.
I get it, guys don't give me a chance, unfortunately.00 Reply370 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. Same reason guys ghost woman. A lack thoughtfulness, lack of empathy. And it’s not all women nor is it all men.
10 ReplyCause i was never interested and don't feel like saying it to them
15 Reply- +1 y
Let me guess, that's the "nice" thing to do right?
- +1 y
So how can you tell if he's good or bad?
- +1 y
Uh is it? I mean how they tell that you're good or bad?
Ass grabbers penny picking lick spittitoes!
Cause her sister was hotter than she was!10 ReplyI usually give them signals that I'm not interested anymore. If they keep texting, that's annoying so it leads to ghosting sometimes
03 Reply- +1 y
Oh, but she never gave off any signal that she wasn't uninterested. She, enjoy talking to me and flirting with me.
- +1 y
I don't understand ghosting at all. How hard is it to say "Sorry, I'm just not interested."?
111 Reply- +1 y
You nevet thought about it because you never had the opportunity
- +1 y
You can call it what you want, but I can think of ten other ways to break up that are actually rude. "Outcome on the rest of thr world"? What the fuck are you talking about?
- +1 y
In any case, you won't understand ghosting until you have a reason to do it.
- +1 y
When I've ghosted somebody in the past its not that I'm ignoring them, its that I block communication. In this particular instance it was ab obese black girl around my age that I went to truck school with, she seemed to think I was interested in her romantically, after being "sexually harassed" several times and telling her to leave me alone, I just blocked her and ghosted.
- +1 y
Furthermore, if you are being ghosted then you probably have some issue that you aren't addressing.
- +1 y
I'm confused. Does blocking someone count as ghosting now (you know when someone has blocked you so that should be sending a clear message). I thought the point of ghosting was that someone just stopped responding (i. e. disappeared like a ghost) and you have no idea why, so you are left wondering "do they not want to talk to me or have they been hit by a car?"
- +1 y
Any time somebody has stopped talking to me or texting me in the past, I dont read that deep into it. We barely knew each other and I'm not so insecure that I'm going to worry about what I did or said. Everybody isn't compatible with everybody and thats fine.
Choice, my dear. Its always choice.
22 Reply- +1 y
Well, it's not a good choice then.
Because they dont want to be honest with you.
20 Reply344 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. They didn't like them
30 ReplyIt basically means they hate you and dont want to talk to u
11 Reply- +1 y
I only would do it if I found them creepy.
20 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
Sorry for what happened with you bro😂😂
11 Reply- +1 y
a lot of bullshit
Because it can be fun...
01 Reply- +1 y
I guess
- Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
14 Reply- +1 y
Hol up
- Opinion Owner+1 y
How do you feel about being rejected?
- +1 y
I feel bad, why?
- Opinion Owner+1 y
How would she not know that?
- +1 y
Why do men do it? It's no different
10 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)+1 y
Because they're bitches.
10 Reply
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