Girls, What if a guy found you attractive because you're strong and athletic (BONUS QUESTION IF YOU'RE TALL)?

Now, for anyone who doesn't know, I've posted questions here explaining that I find physical strength and prowess attractive in women. A lot of guys love a woman who's small, soft, and delicate because they can protect her and look after her. I'M not one of those guys.
To me, it's attractive if a woman has muscle or a strong stocky build. It's sexy when a woman can lift something heavy, instead of needing the man to do it. Girls who can wrestle, box, and throw a mean punch are basically my version of a 1950's housewife.
WWE diva Becky Lynch.
WWE diva Becky Lynch.
You kind of get the idea. To me, the ideal woman is a sporty tomboy or a warrior woman. And the thing is, I might just be getting an Amazon!
Girls, What if a guy found you attractive because youre strong and athletic (BONUS QUESTION IF YOURE TALL)?
See, my friend's little sister Wolf is 4 and a half inches taller than me, and she's always done more heavy lifting than me and my friend Coyote when we're helping our families. Those are nicknames I'm giving them, not their real names.

Anyway, so Wolf was been physically stronger than me and her big brother Coyote to begin with, but she just gained muscle in her arms.

In addition, their mom taught her how to box and use a knife. Wolf and I get along well, and she knows that I find her tallness and strength sexy. She likes that she's taller and stronger than me. I'm actually hoping to date her.
Girls, What if a guy found you attractive because youre strong and athletic (BONUS QUESTION IF YOURE TALL)?
So I'm asking the ladies here. What would you think if a guy was attracted to you because you were strong, athletic, and tough instead of delicate?

(Also, for any tall--5'7 and above--women, I got a bonus question. See, one of the reasons why I fell for Wolf was because she was tall, and I associate tallness with strength.

To me, taller=stronger. Combine Wolf's height of 5'10 and a half with her muscle and fighting skill, and I was basically in love with an Amazon! So to the tall girls seeing this, what if a guy called you strong or an Amazon as a complement? What if a guy liked you because you're not as delicate as a short girl?)
Girls, What if a guy found you attractive because you're strong and athletic (BONUS QUESTION IF YOU'RE TALL)?
2 Opinion