What’s something thoughtful to do for a male friend?

My guy friend sent me flowers. I know that during the dating stage women should be receptive to receiving and I understand that. But it wasn’t a romantic gesture so much as it was a thoughtful thing to do. It meant a lot to me and was a pick me up because I was having a rough week. This friend of mine confided in me how he felt down lately because his grandmother passed away. I want to return the gesture in some way. I don’t have much money but I just want to do something nice for him, something to put a smile on his face. What’s a thoughtful gesture that a man would appreciate in the same way women appreciate flowers? Also I can’t do anything in person because he lives in another state. So it has to be something that doesn’t require me to be physically around him or it could be something like that but it would have to wait until he visits in a few weeks
What’s something thoughtful to do for a male friend?
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