Mansplaining: how often is it accurately applied , or is it just an easy excuse to afford the real facts?

Mansplaining: how often is it accurately applied , or is it just an easy excuse to afford the real facts?

I believe mansplaining has bee over used and abused. There is place for everything, when it used correctly. But it is not something to accuse someone of just because you have a weak argument.


Mansplaining - the explanation of something by a man, typically to a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing with the presumption that the women had inferiors or no knowledge on the subject.

So don't get me wrong.

Mansplaining is a real thing, and it does happen when you have over bearing men with inflated egos. They tend to focus on how the problem focuses on them and do not consider the ramifications or impacts the issue might be having on other people around them. More times than not it is not that the women does not understand his prospective, but the man is failing to take her perspective on the issue into account.

Men are not Alone

Womansplaining is just a prevalent in the society today. I can not tell you how many times I have been blown off by a Female boss or co-worker for not understanding the issue at hand or grasping the full complexity of the problem. When in reality I just had a different prospective, not all complicated problems need to be complicated... Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)! When you simplify the problem a lot of the complications go away, as long as you identify the correct root cause and eliminate all the 2nd to 3rd order effects before they uproot the solution.

I have Struggled

I have struggled with men and women equally in this regard, where they just get hung up on their prospective or feelings and fail to account for your prospective on the problem. Or can not delineate or properly reverse engineer for root cause. They constantly case after the symptoms of the disease, but can not correctly diagnose or cure it.

1 y
The term mansplaining was inspired by an essay, "Men Explain Things to Me: Facts Didn't Get in Their Way", written by Rebecca Solnit and published on TomDispatch. com on 13 April 2008.

Rebecca was apparently and author of an essay and some guy got into a debate with her about how she was wrong, and was then using direct quotes from her published essay to defend his position... so she invented the word mansplaining and its bee abuse every since.
Mansplaining: how often is it accurately applied , or is it just an easy excuse to afford the real facts?
25 Opinion