Girls, do now a days most of you intentionally jerk around with good guys?

For some reasons I always had bad experiences with women my whole life, even though I never treated anyone bad.

My mother was abusive.

Girls told me , guys like me are only good after thirty.

Girls came for help fixing laptops , help with homework or studies but never wanted to go out with me even for a casual outing. Thwy said they would be embarrassed to be seen with me.

They invited me for parties then cancel and made fun of me , saying I am desparate. Even though they were the one inviting me.

I cook great. In few cases girls wanted to taste food by me but after all the cooking they never showed up. ...

I don't know what's wrong with me... why almost every girl I ever knew were always jerk to me. Again I have never treated them bad. After any bad signs from them I do cut them off my life and brake all contact though.

Girls, do now a days most of you intentionally jerk around with good guys?
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