Girls, What do women of various cultures value in Men?


Hi, I am a European-American man in the Midwestern United States that is genuinely interested in having an ethnically integrated marriage and family one day.

I am wondering specifically what women's opinions from Latin (Including the Iberian Peninsula), African, Asian (Including the Pacific Islands), and other non-European (meaning non-White and mixed) ethnicities what they want and love the most from Men they date and marry. If I have described you, please answer the question, which I will reiterate, being as honest and as courteous as you can be when answering these questions. I will not ask anonymously, and I will give you a detailed motivation below why I feel strongly about the issue of integrated marriage.

I (again) was raised in the Midwestern United States. I am German and English American. One of my parents grew up in the Southeastern United States during the Vietnam era. My family did participate in the mistreatment and oppression of non-White people groups living in the United States through slavery. They did that. And they were atrocious people for doing that.

I am a Christian that believes in the image of God in all human beings no matter what color, creed, people group, or language, etc.

Obviously my family history is not who I am, but unfortunately it did raise me. The question I ask myself is how do I become more of an empathetic and selfless individual for the good of others and myself? This does not mean I am perfect, but it does mean I want to embrace people that are different than me.

The questions I have for women of different ethnic backgrounds than me are:

1. What did your Mother look for when she met your Father?

2. What are you looking for right now in a romantic partner as an individual?

3. Who do your friends of the same type of ethnic background as you seem to be attracted to?

4. Do you view integrated marriages and families positively or not?

Thank you, I appreciate all of you.

Girls, What do women of various cultures value in Men?
2 Opinion