Was this embarrassing or is it all in my head?

I suffer from anxiety and speak really fast. I think people assume I’m laid back and confident because I wear makeup and am very put together. I hate speaking out because of that especially when I don’t know what to say lol.
Today in class we had to work in partners and the guy I was assigned seemed really nice and happy to work with me. We ended up talking about other stuff lol and got off track but he’s very knowledgeable about certain topics on that class.
It’s not my favorite class and I just have certain areas of knowledge that are stronger than others.
So we had to go around the room and read an article and pick something about it to present to the class. I really couldn’t find anything except one thing that reminded me of a previous poem we read. I told the guy I was partnered with what I found and he just silently nodded and agreed.

When it got to us I asked him if he wanted to speak for us so he did and said what I was going to and added something else.

After he was done the professor asked was there anything else we wanted to add and I just piggybacked off what he said but I stuttered at the end of my sentence and everyone was turned to face me and it was really embarrassing lol. I know I spoke fast too. I called one of the descriptions dramatic and I heard a few people laugh.
I got over it until after class my partner turns to me and goes “sorry for stealing your thunder and saying what you were gonna say. I just had no idea what you were talking about and didn’t understand you” and started laughing. He said it so loud and I was so embarrassed when he said it because my crush was talking to someone else but I think they might’ve heard. I awkwardly laughed but hurried up and left class humiliated.

I have a crush on this person in the class and I feel like I embarrassed myself in front of them. I already struggle feeling competent in the class.
A few weeks ago my crush was put on the spot too and blushed.
Was this as embarrassing as I think it was lol?
Was this embarrassing or is it all in my head?
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