Befriending a younger woman?

I started following a woman on Tiktok and we communicate on there and IG. We live in different states and I am 20 years older (she's legal).

During a live, when asked she said of all her followers she would meet me if she could. The thing is, I thought about it but didn't know if it was okay to suggest. She has a boyfriend and I'm not trying to do anything or make a move.

In this type of situation is it possible to establish a friendship?

1 y
The thing is, I care for her in a completely platonic way, maybe like an older brother/ uncle/ father type of way. I'm not good at making friends and would obviously like to meet with the hopes of meeting someone new. Do I flat out say I hope we can be friends, ask for her number or what?
Befriending a younger woman?
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