Americans - as someone who is a foreigner - what are the benefits of moving to your country?


I've heard yours is an extremely racist country where even Europeans speaking languages like Spanish are harassed, belittled, etc.

I've heard that the average person is extremely ignorant & arrogant bragging about things forefathers did whereas they achieved little.

I've heard that free prostitution of men and women - sleeping around, etc. - is legal and it's not frowned upon it is actually encouraged.

I've heard that you have no real culture, no decent cuisine, etc. as compared to Europe or other nations. Your culture is beer & guns.


I'm not being critical of Americans, this is all I've heard. So can you kindly prove otherwise.

7 mo
So many nasty ignorant Americans no wonder you guys are laughed about in the world
Americans - as someone who is a foreigner - what are the benefits of moving to your country?
6 Opinion