I’d it okay to kiss a cousin?

I have a female cousin and we do hug each other. I’m very comfortable with hugging her and I feel very comfortable with her hugging me. One reason I love hugging her and her hugging me is because she’s pretty. However, while hugging her I’d also love to kiss her because like I said she’s pretty.

Please note: I’m not meaning that I want to marry my cousin and have sex with her. That’s not my intention besides she’s married and has kids.
When I’d also kiss my cousin, I’d hope she’d feel very comfortable with it and that she feels loved. I also want her to know that I’m kissing her because she’s pretty.
7 mo
I’m not talking about kissing her on the lips. I mean kissing her hair, head, sides of her head, forehead, and/or cheeks.
I’d it okay to kiss a cousin?
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