Ex girlfriend responds but doesn't initiate conversation - she said she wanted to talk post-breakup but now tries to get around it maybe?


Hi everyone. My ex broke up with me a little over a month ago pretty amicably over Facetime (we are students who were on opposite sides of the world for winter break), and said she wanted to meet me when we get back to our mutual city of residence so that we could talk the breakup over in person; she also desperately wanted to remain friends, and called me a "really lovely boyfriend," among other things (her words) in the process.

We kept sending each other memes on Instagram for about a week after the breakup (like she requested) until one day, silence from her. I asked her if I did something or if she needed anything, and she said no, and I left it at that - I hadn't made contact for 29 days til now. However, she did like a message I sent her over iMessage on what would have been the date of our 5-month 'anniversary' a few days after I had sent it, which may mean something, but I really don't know; she has also viewed my Tiktok profile a few times.

Since the breakup, she's been posting songs to a new playlist, which I can only imagine is a breakup playlist. They're almost entirely sad, indie love songs, like "Don't Delete the Kisses" by Wolf Alice, "Yoko Ono" by Mob Rich, "She Likes a Boy" by Nxdia, etc. - that type of stuff. Photos of us are still up on her page, and on the 27th (one month exactly from the breakup), she added a ton of songs.

I texted her a few days ago, and while we talked for a little, she didn't initiate the conversation. She said that she was too busy to have the conversation *she* wanted originally. I told her that if she doesn't want to have it at all, she can just tell me for my own healing's sake, but she hasn't responded to this.

I think she's just trying to avoid the question entirely because while she didn't say she didn't want to have the conversation, she made some excuses to get around it. I really feel hurt and ghosted by this because *she* was the one who wanted to remain friends and have this talk. I love her, and I miss her.

2 mo
She hasn't blocked me on anything and we still follow each other on all our social media platforms, so this is really confusing. Why would she desperately want to remain friends and want to talk when we got back home only to make excuses to not talk?
I get she's very busy, but some closure would be nice. I even apologized to her for violating her space, and she said to not apologize - it's understandable - so I don't think she has any bad blood towards me; it's all very confusing.
Ex girlfriend responds but doesn't initiate conversation - she said she wanted to talk post-breakup but now tries to get around it maybe?
2 Opinion